A sad farewell and a warm welcome...

The entire Wellness for the Body team would like to say farewell to Dr. Tara and wish her all the best in her new adventures as she makes a move to Orillia, ON. She has been an intricate member of our team for the past seven years, providing our clients with exceptional chiropractic care. As well, Takhir, one of our beloved and popular massage therapists, will be leaving us in June as he and his family make the exciting move to the beautiful Okanagan Valley in BC. Dr. Tara and Takhir will most certainly both be missed by all and we are sad to see them go.
Taking over for Dr. Tara and offering the same chiropractic schedule and availability will be Dr. Ahmed Alhamdan. We would also like to extend a warm welcome to the other newest members of our wellness team. Joining us are Ulia Shakeel (Registered Physiotherapist, Pelvic Floor & Vestibular Rehabilitation Specialist), Gord Fyfe (Registered Massage Therapist & Osteopathy Student) and Rachel Mastrangelo (Registered Massage Therapist).
Many of the therapists mentioned above are already in our schedule and others will be adding hours soon! Check out their services and availability online at: https://wellnessforthebody.janeapp.com/
