Lisa Marie Foreman, B.Sc., M.OMSc. - Osteopathic Manual Practitioner

The Feldenkrais Method is based on principles of physics, biomechanics, and an empirical understanding of learning and human development. Moshe Feldenkrais said, “We move according to our perceived self-image.” By expanding your perception and increasing awareness, you will become more aware of your habits and tensions and develop new ways of moving. By increasing sensitivity, the Feldenkrais Method assists you to live your life more fully, efficiently, and comfortably.
Use best served intentions. These gentle movements increase body awareness. The purpose of these exercises is to improve balance, posture, and flexibility. The job of your mind is to OBSERVE.
To free your hips and back ... gentle movements based on the Feldenkrais Method to help you release tension in the muscles about the hip and pelvis through simple flowing movements, staying in your pain-free range. These movements help to improve the rotation of your hip joints and the way your hips connect with your pelvis, lower back, chest and ribs, all the way up to your head. The movements also bring about a lengthening of the long back muscles, which run parallel to your spine, relieving lower back tension.
HOW TO GET THE MOST BENEFIT: First watch the video from beginning to the end (link above or click here). Then lie down on the floor, preferably a yoga mat. Begin the movements by listening to the instructions. (NOTE: If you are unable to lay down on the floor you can do these exercises on your bed.) Close your eyes and bring your attention inwards and focus on the sensations in your body.
Make each movement slowly, smoothly, and mindfully. Reduce effort and tension. Always stay within the easy and 100% comfortable range, no matter how small. The NO PAIN, NO GAIN rule need NOT apply here.
For those who have moderate to severe pain or stiffness in the hips, try keeping one knee bent with the foot down on the ground while you move the opposite leg. You can place a towel or small cushion under one side of your pelvis. This will tilt your pelvis TOWARDS the side you are sliding the leg down and take some strain off the hip joint and musculature. After some practice you should be able to gradually manage with less propping.
These exercises incorporate the low back and neck, as these curves both affect each other reciprocally, Osteopathically speaking of course. I recommend these exercises to all my patients who suffer from low back pain and/or ongoing hip issues.